Holder of the Chair:
Dr. Joan Fuster-Sobrepere
Associate Professor of Contemporary History in the Arts and Humanities Studies of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Doctor in History from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Degree in Philosophy from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Postgraduate in Cultural Institutions management from ESADE Executive Education. He is part of the consolidated research group Identicat, and his research has focused on the political and cultural history of Catalonia in contemporary times and especially in the city of Barcelona.

Co-holder of the Chair:
Dr. Alfons Martinell Sempere
Doctor in Pedagogy from the University of Girona, degree in Philosophy and Letters from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is a member of the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (SDSN). He has been General Director of Cultural and Scientific Relations of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain. He is honorary director of the UNESCO Chair: Cultural Policies and Cooperation, and professor emeritus at the University of Girona.

Director of the Pau Casals Foundation:
Jordi Pardo
Degree in Geography and History and master’s degree from ESADE. Member of the group of experts in cultural policies UNESCO 2011-2015; member of the team of experts of the European Commission for the cultural capitals of Europe 2012-2016. He has directed and advised cultural projects in different countries in Europe, Asia and America. Visiting professor at various universities in Spain.
Historical and documentary advice:
Núria Ballester
Graduate in Art History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Master in Cultural Heritage Management and Museology from the University of Barcelona. Director of the Pau Casals Museum and with a long experience in the fields of management, conservation, research and dissemination of heritage. She is responsible for the management of the collections and documentary collection of Pau Casals.
Technical assistance of the Chair:
Sara Chordà
Doctor in Musicology, Cellist and Cultural Manager, coordination of the Chair and support to the design of cultural projects and communication processes.