The musical aesthetic of Pau Casals and the role of music in peacebuilding are the two new projects awarded grants by the Pau Casals UNESCO Chair

The grants programme's second call, which aims to promote research [...]

By |2024-07-08T19:47:32+02:0008/07/2024|News|Comments Off on The musical aesthetic of Pau Casals and the role of music in peacebuilding are the two new projects awarded grants by the Pau Casals UNESCO Chair

Dr. Alfons Martinell , co-director of the UNESCO Chair Pau Casals, awarded in the 6th edition of the UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 International Award in the category of Personality.

June 2024 - Organised biennially, the UCLG - Mexico City [...]

By |2024-07-05T10:54:30+02:0005/07/2024|News|Comments Off on Dr. Alfons Martinell , co-director of the UNESCO Chair Pau Casals, awarded in the 6th edition of the UCLG – Mexico City – Culture 21 International Award in the category of Personality.
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